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Print brush flower imitation super soft

Product attributes

  • Classification:Imitation super soft
  • Product number:1563518619
  • Number of visits:0
  • Date of publication:2019-09-03
  • Product overview
  • Characteristics
  • Technical parameter

It is super soft: the surface has a bright light, and the hair is hard. If it is used to touch the skin, it will feel like a tie.

1, the feel is different.

The real super soft feel is very delicate and comfortable. It doesn't feel like being touched by the plush surface, it will be very comfortable and soft. The imitation is different. If you use it to touch the skin, you will feel zigzag. It looks almost the same on the computer, but the feel is worse, the surface has a bright light, the hair is hard, and the imitation stitches are not as dense as the real ones.

2. The density is different.

The ultra-soft stitches are dense, and the super soft and thin is more sparse. The super-soft is more compact than the ultra-soft materials. The cost is definitely higher and the price is higher.

3, the light is different.

The super soft surface has a bright light, and it is super soft and soft. If you look at it, you will find that it is really super soft and has a texture.


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