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Velvet fabric manufacturing

Product attributes

  • Classification:Velvet
  • Product number:1563519219
  • Number of visits:0
  • Date of publication:2019-09-02
  • Product overview
  • Characteristics
  • Technical parameter

In 1929 (18 years of the Republic of China), in order to restore velvet production, Zhangzhou established a work-study school and hired a famous artist, Wang Ming, to teach the weaving technology, but the ambition was not completed and Wang Ming died. In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there were high openings, Wang Xiwen, Wang Yucheng and others who organized 10 people to transfer art after the Luzhou Garden, in order to resume production. However, the quality and style are worse than in the past. The sales and cost are affected by products from Hangzhou and Nanjing, and they are discontinued in only three months. According to the 1952 survey, velvet artists (including Longxi Tuwei, Liushi and other townships) did not have a total of 10 people. They have all changed their jobs, and their ages are over 60 years old. The tools have also been lost and it is difficult to resume production. Later, the relevant departments sent two cadres from the Zhangzhou Silk Yarn Factory to an exclusive interview with the counties of Longxi Prefecture. It was learned that some people in Nanjing would weave velvet. In 1958, Yuzhou Silk Yarn Factory sent people to Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou to study and conduct professional training. Nanjing sent a machine to Ganzhou. So the "velvet" of Zhangzhou regained its vitality. In March 1961, the silk yarn factory used the velvet "flowering" process to commemorate the inscription of the Dongnan revolution. "The gentleman's performance - the path taken by Comrade Mao Zedong is the way to guide the victory of the Chinese revolution", weaving 170 centimeters wide and 70 wide The centimeter, the light yellow-brown bottom, the black suede word, has never been seen in velvet. Post-funding and other

The reason for the suspension. As of 2009, there is only one street office in Ganzhou that produces velvet.

Pre:Velvet manufacturer2019-09-02

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