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Positive and negative printing flower rabbit fur

Product attributes

  • Classification:Rabbit hair
  • Product number:1563519679
  • Number of visits:0
  • Date of publication:2019-09-02
  • Product overview
  • Characteristics
  • Technical parameter


The purpose of combing is to prevent the tangling of rabbit hair and catch the high quality of rabbit hair. It is also a way to collect more rabbit hair. The number of combing hairs and combing are a regular management work for raising long-haired rabbits. Generally, the rabbits should start combing after weaning, and each time thereafter

Rabbit fur coat

Rabbit fur coat

It is combed once every 10 to 15 days. Individuals with sparse, loosely arranged, and messy tend to agglomerate and need to be combed frequently; individuals with large density of hair, obvious structure of hair bundles, and tightly arranged individuals are not easily entangled, and the number of combing hairs can be appropriately reduced, so that good hairs are raised. Rabbits, increasing the density of hair is a powerful measure to prevent rabbit hair tangles and reduce the number of combs.

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